Mrs Eldred's Music Studio

  • Cambridge Concert Calendar : This calendar lists all the concerts in the local area. A lot are FREE! Going to a concert is one of the rare things you can go to on your own and have time to think, feel, reflect and soak up the energy and atmosphere. It's like a mind massage! Also, contrary to what we think might be the case, even young children are enthralled and mesmerised as opposed to squirming and fidgeting. That in itself is something to behold! 
  • Find Music you LOVE! : This is a site where you can find sheet music by your favorite pop stars and composers. Be careful though... some are very hard! 
  • FREE SHEET MUSIC! : Wonderful website that has free to download music in the public domain! Hint: It never seems to download directly for me, so I always have to click on the 'click here' link that follows! 
  • Print off some Blank Music Paper to make your own songs : Why not have a go at practicing some of those curly Treble Clefs or Bass Clefs. Make notes come alive and bring them along to your next lesson for us to play together :-)